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Guidelines for Housing Healthy Chickens

A Healthy & Thriving Environment

We suggest approximately 2 square feet per chicken.

The coop should be well ventilated not drafty.

 Keep feeding stations clean.

Good natural light

Good bedding, saw dust, (untreated wood) or straw.

We recommend our epoxy surface (easy to keep clean), wooden floor can be swept out,  but a dirt floor can work if has good drainage, and soil is sandy.

Types of laying chickens

  • White Leghorn-Prolific white egg layer (Nervous and flighty)
  • Buff Orpington- Fat yellow chickens, which lay brown eggs(Docile) Great for pets.
  • Rhode Island Red- lays brown eggs.
  • Barred Rock- Black and White stripped, lays brown eggs (nice disposition) Great for pet.
  • Americauna- large chicken, lays blue eggs (very friendly) Great for pets.

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